Advertising is available for various print publications and online in our store, blog, and social media.
Create a Lasting Partnership with Us
Do you have products or services that might be of interest to APH members? Maybe you have a book to sell, or a software product, or cloud-based service that would be of interest.
Our goal is to provide value for both you and our members, creating lasting partnerships that benefit all. We will work with you to find the advertising and/or sponsorship package that meets your needs and provides the best opportunity for you and our members to become better acquainted.
Advantages for Sponsors and Advertisers
- APH members maintain their own businesses, network in their communities, and continually seek to improve quality in their work by building relationships with vendors they trust.
- APH members are interested in partnering with high-quality services and obtaining high-quality tools, to improve the products they offer their clients.
- Because personal historians reach a large pool of clients and potential clients, an advertiser or sponsor product will be visible to a wide and targeted audience.
- APH members are passionate about what they do, feeling a strong sense of urgency to capture stories before the people who can tell them are gone.
Become a Sponsor and Advertiser
Learn more about APH, its members, and the opportunities that are available to you for reaching this targeted and vibrant market.
- Read the>APH Fact Sheet - the organization's vision, history, mission, goals, and more.
- Get to know the varied business needs and scope of the professionl personal historians that make up the Membership Profile
- The Sponsorship Kit Order Form provides opportunities for vendors to interact with APH members at the annual conference, in a setting where about 175 attendees are actively seeking new ideas and solutions.
- Print Advertising provides options to include ads in five print publications during the year.
- Online Advertising options include placing ads on the APH Blog page and the APH Store.