Publications for APH Friends & MembersFriends of APH - NEW Option!APH has expanded from a single newsletter to a variety of publications as part of the benefits of joining. The publications listed below are provided to APH Members and Friends of APH. APH Perspectives—the trade journal for personal historiansThis publication has fresh information about tools of the trade, marketing strategies, social media tips, book recommendations, member profiles and member tips about what worked and what didn't, and many other issues that affect personal historians. The APH Perspectives is printed and mailed three times each year. The PerstorianThis monthly e-newsletter provides current information about APH webinars, recent and upcoming education and regional events, new social media trends, and more. It is not yet available in archived format but plans are in the works. Pre-conference ProgramsEach year a conference advance program is mailed to announce the conference schedule, keynote speakers, workshops and special program events. It provides a great vehicle for advertising your special niche to other members. You can view several pre-conference programs on the Prior Conferences page. Background about the APH NewsletterThe first Newsletter was published. An announrcement was sent out by the Interim Board of Directors, with hisory as president and no editor's name provided. The announcement read...